C7 Projects - Release Notes

C7Projects 20250110

31 January 2025

New features

Please note that some of the listed functionalities will need configuration in order to be visible in your configuration. Contact your customer responsible person if you want to know more.

Jobs admin

Support for temporary customers.

Support to set a job as a Mobile Inbox.

Field reporting

Possibility to create new Work order from Field reporting and store on jobs defined as Mobile inbox.

Support for Norwegian.


Several layout formats on invoice rows

Subtotals on invoice rows


Improvements in Adjust unit price dialog has been implemented. It´s now possible to select specification and resources are grouped on resource number, name and pricelist.

Addition to the calculation summary tab so it also shows Tender sum/ton.

Sales price tab includes Adjustment and Adjusted tender sum.

Excluded specifications and activities are visualized as crossed and they are not included in calculations.

Added possibility to import calculations (MF) from Excel with multiple tabs.

Work order

Added a context menu in Planning grid to team/date to bulk change all planned items.

Project planning

Possibility to visualize teams and work order with different background colors. This is a configurable feature.

General functionality

Column Sum row has been added to all relevant columns in the list views.

Combined list and details view added in relevant programs. On those programs there is a third view option called COMBO.

Recipe column and related functionality added to grids in programs Day report, Work order and Invoice.

Bug fixes

Individuals on recipe resources in Price list is now filtered by resource type.

Performance improvements.

Bug fixes in Project Planning and Field Reporting.

Known problems

There are unfortunately always some known problems that we did not have time to fix before the release. The following issues have been identified and will be solved in coming release:

  • When importing data to a price list from Excel, the last row in the file will be ignored.
  • When sending tender to more than one customer the customer representative’s name is not correct on additional customers. Does not affect the main tender customer.

C7 Projects 20241206

10 January 2025

New features

Please note that some of the listed functionalities will need configuration in order to be visible in your configuration. Contact your customer responsible person if you want to know more.

Project planning

Tonne added as option in bar info menu.

Possibility to customize which data is shown in the tool tip.

A menu has been added to list of plannings and it is now possible to duplicate and delete plannings.


Price adjustment column added to the activities grid so it is possible to specify if a resource has a price adjustment.

Possibility to switch between shifts and hours added in calculation tool.


Fixed menu alternatives and options in AG Grid is now translated to selected language.

Details in integration log added.

Translations for Code tables added.

User settings should now be remembered in List view.

Performance improvements in multiple programs.

Bug fixes

Lots of translations updated.

Export of price lists now working and import of exported Excel sheet can be done.

Team capacity is now calculated correctly.

Bug in roles program fixed.

C7 Projects 20241115

6 December 2024

New features

Please note that some of the listed functionalities will need configuration in order to be visible in your configuration. Contact your customer responsible person if you want to know more.


User will now get a warning about non distributed mark-up in Calculation program.


Lazy loading and extended customer search has been enabled in multiple programs. This improves the performance and the possibilities to select the correct customer.

Bug fixes

Bug fixes in main filter.

Only enabled supported cultures are now shown in language selection drop down.

Fixed a bug that caused dates in Milestone statuses to be overwritten with the last changed date.

Bug fixes for invoice validations.

Fixed a bug in Price list grid that made the rows jump around.

C7 Projects 20241025

15 November 2024

Known problems

This version has not been officially released since new Customer Reporting tool not is fully compatible with c.Mobile yet and Field reporting is not officially released. All new features and bug fixes listed will of course be included in the next release.

New features

Please note that some of the listed functionalities will need configuration in order to be visible in your configuration. Contact your customer responsible person if you want to know more.

Calculation KPI Figures

It is now possible to see calculation key figures in the right panel in Tender calculation and Project calculation programs. There are two different types of KPI-values:

  • General figures for margin, margin% and more
  • Asphalt calculation figures for cost/ton and cost/m2 divided on our standard eight resource groups

The general figures for margin applies to the whole calculation while the asphalt KPI’s are applicable on the marked activity. An activity can be marked in both calculation tool asphalt as well as in the base calculation.


Day Report

Day report can now be customized by using different templates for Customer Reports. There is an option to select a quality report for the customer on projects and job. The fields for quality data in the diary are adapted based on the content of the template and only fields that need to be reported on are displayed.

Bug fixes

Some notable quality of life improvements:

  • Enhanced possibilities for configuration of the system by hiding fields and setting specific properties like readonly, number formatting etc.
  • Keyboard shortcuts for adding item and subitem in calculation, ctrl+d to add item and ctrl+shift+d to add sub item.
  • Keyboard shortcut for cancel edit mode added, ctrl+q.
  • “Create new and continue to edit” added for all create windows to enable entering edit mode in forms view without having to explicitly save the object first.
  • Scroll bar added in Program menu
  • Saving expanded and selected node in tree view
  • New nodes created where the parent is added to favourites shall also be added to favourites.
  • Icons updated

C7 Projects 20241004

25 October 2024

New features

Please note that some of the listed functionalities will need configuration in order to be visible in your configuration. Contact your customer responsible person if you want to know more.

Excel import to pricelist

It is now possible to import price lists from Excel. The import requires a specific column order, template for this will be supplied and in the future it shall be possible to download from the Price list program Options.

Tender text templates

Apply tender text templates have now been added and together with the Tender text template program it can now be used to create and use pre-defined tender texts that can be added from a menu to any tender.

  • Use the Tender text template program to create new template texts.
  • In the Tender text on each tender, under options there is the option to apply tender text templates.

Preparation for coming features

Quality report template selection have been added on project and job under the Customer section. This is preparation for adding support for our quality reporting tool.

Bug fixes

Some notable quality of life improvements:

  • Fixed an issue with changes to Accounting units, like adding permissions with inheritance, that could result in projects losing their main filter structure.
  • Specification will now correctly be selected by default in Tender and Production calculation. Meaning activities shall no longer be placed on 0 - specification
    • This also means that to view all activities on all specifications, the selected specification needs to be un-selected in the specification table.
    • This is a fix to previous known problem:
      • Bug in calculation that cause new activities to end up in the default specification 0. The problem occurs if no specification is selected in the upper grid before the activity is added. Activities must be moved manually by the user to the correct specification. No data is lost.
    • Customer will correctly be pre-selected on Tender report.
      • If secondary customers are added in the Tender text these can still be selected in the report settings.
    • Some translations and fixes to the Key figures view in calculation.

Known problems

There are unfortunately always some known problems that we did not have time to fix before the release. The following issues have been identified and will be solved in coming release:

  • Invoice administrator is not set on new invoices based on default value selected in Project administration.

C7 Projects 20240913

4 October 2024

New features

Please note that some of the listed functionalities will need configuration in order to be visible in your configuration. Contact your customer responsible person if you want to know more.

Default start location for maps

Can be configured in the configuration settings and/or company record.


It´s now possible to use the calculation tool for subactivities.

There is a new tab in calculation for Key figures. The tab allows the user to group all resources freely and use pivot table. This functionality should be very useful for larger calculations as free dimensions can be applied. This tab also includes an excel export with ready made KPI-pivots.


It´s now possible to configure if a select button should be red if not selected, to indicate a warning.

This has first been implemented on the Credit rating select button shown in programs where customer can be selected.

By configuring the CreditStatus code table with Property1 = WARNING, the select button will be shown in red to signal that the selected customer does not have a credible credit rating.

Main filter changes

If no program is selected in program menu and a project or job is selected in tree view it will open up in details view.

Show underlying button is re-introduced to the main filter, main use case is to show all objects in structures with multiple job levels.

Performance improvements

Several underlying frameworks have been upgraded to latest versions, improving performance and stability of the application.

Preparation for coming features

  • Quality report template selection have been added on project and job under the Customer section. This is in preparation for adding support for our quality reporting tool.
  • Tender text template program, have been added. Applying texts to tenders will come in next release.

Bug fixes

Some notable quality of life improvements:

  • It is no longer possible to open a report with unsaved changes, C7 Projects will ask the user if they wish to save and continue to the report. Before the report would open, but unsaved changes would not be included.
  • Using the Add rows function in invoice program will now correctly set Revenue account.

Known problems

There are unfortunately always some known problems that we did not have time to fix before the release. The following issues have been identified and will be solved in coming release:

  • Bug in calculation that cause new activities to end up in the default specification 0. The problem occurs if no specification is selected in the upper grid before the activity is added. Activities must be moved manually by the user to the correct specification. No data is lost.

C7 Projects 20240823

13 September 2024

New features

Please note that some of the listed functionalities will need configuration in order to be visible in your configuration. Contact your customer responsible person if you want to know more.

AG Grid

Now it´s possible to configure grids to show a sum row at the top. This has been enabled in the Invoice list view to start with and work is ongoing to enable in additional grids moving forward.

Summary Invoice

Added possibility to see which invoices are part of a summary invoice by marking invoices that are added on a summary invoice with italic sums.


Enabled import of calculations from Excel to support List of Quantity workflows.

Added field in project administration to set a default Waiting time (min) for asphalt calculation.

Company Record

Map component added to Company record to support customer default starting positions in maps in other programs.

What´s new functionality

Added a link to Release notes page (need to be defined in Configuration settings).

Bug fixes

Some notable quality of life improvements:

  • Newly created items will now show up in list view without having to refresh the page.
  • Validation when closing or refreshing the browser tab while in edit mode.
  • Calendars in date pickers will now correctly start on Monday as first column (depending on culture settings).
  • Multiple program grids changed to AG grid.
  • Mark-ups grid shall show rows expanded by default.
  • Fixed an issue with the “Import resource from calculation” function in work order program.

Known problems

There are unfortunately always some known problems that we did not have time to fix before the release. The following issues have been identified and will be solved in coming release:

  • Revenue account is not set if rows are added from the Add rows dialog in Invoice program.
  • Bug in calculation that cause new activities to end up in the default specification 0. The problem occurs if no specification is selected in the upper grid before the activity is added. Activities must be moved manually by the user to the correct specification. No data is lost.
  • Possible to open report with unsaved changes in form view.

C7 Projects 20240620

23 August 2024

New features

Please note that some of the listed functionalities will need configuration in order to be visible in your configuration. Contact your customer responsible person if you want to know more.

Copy price list

New feature for copying a price list. When creating a price list, you can now select an existing price list and create your new price list as a copy of the existing one. This is a great way to maintain traceability during price updates.

Project/Job admin

Adjustment of the sorting functionality so that projects and jobs are sorted numerically by status code when the user chooses to sort by status in lists.


It´s now possible to select multiple invoices from different jobs to include in a summary invoice. A link to the summary invoice has also been added to the included invoices.

Calculation tool

Create/Delete/Duplicate options for Activity grid in calculation are now available in the calculation tool.

Customer/Supplier program

Added validation for phone numbers.

Bug fixes

Several bug fixes are added to the release.

Known problems

There are unfortunately always some known problems that we did not have time to fix before the release. The following issues have been identified and will be solved in coming release:

  • Nothing happens when trying to import resources from calculation to the Follow up resources grid in Work order program.
  • User settings for the Mark up grids are not working correctly and they user has to expand the Mark up structure each time.

C7 Projects 20240531

20 June 2024

New features

Please note that some of the listed functionalities will need configuration in order to be visible in your configuration. Contact your customer responsible person if you want to know more.

Copy job

We have added functionality to create a job based on another job including the possibility to select which parts to copy. This functionality is available under Options and possible to use on a job once it is created.

Copy project

Copy project functionality has been improved with the possibility to select which parts to copy. The functionality is located in the Create Project dialogue.


The SysAdmin permission object has been splitted into several objects which adds the possibility to refine permissions. This ensures a richer delegation of responsibilities between roles. The only permission object that remains connected to the role SysAdmin is to set the role SysAdmin on a user.


  • Improved assignment of accounts for invoice detail rows.
  • Added possibility to show Credit rating warning.
  • Added possibility to check length of revenue account.

Bug fixes

Several bug fixes are added to the release.

We have fixed the bug in grids that caused a risk that a combo box value was emptied even if it wasn´t changed, when tabbing through the cell in edit mode.

Known problems

There are unfortunately always some known problems that we did not have time to fix before the release. The following issues have been identified and will be solved in coming release:

  • Some translations are missing in the Copy ProjecT/Job dialogs.
  • Bug in calculation that cause new activities to end up in the default specification 0. The problem occurs if no specification is selected in the upper grid before the activity is added. Activities must be moved manually by the user to the correct specification. No data is lost.
  • Sometimes when you duplicate a row in a grid you can get an extra blank row

C7 Projects 20240510

31 May 2024

New features

Please note that some of the listed functionalities will need configuration in order to be visible in your configuration. Contact your customer responsible person if you want to know more.

More or less consumption feature

Support to handle cases where more asphalt material is consumed at paving than was calculated in the tender.

Create invoice from Work order

Possibility to invoice a work order directly from the work order program.

Validations in Invoice

Possibility for configure custom validations in Invoice.

Improvements in Hours

Added possibility to select all or multiple rows in Hours. This functionality will be useful when rebooking hours.

Bug fixes

 Several bug fixes are added to the release.

Known problems

There are unfortunately always some known problems that we did not have time to fix before the release. The following issues have been identified and will be solved in coming release:

  • Bug in grids that causes a risk that a combo box value is emptied even if it isn´t changed, when tabbing through the cell in edit mode. This bug applies to all grids but does not happen all the time.
  • Bug in calculation that cause new activities to end up in the default specification 0. The problem occurs if no specification is selected in the upper grid before the activity is added. Activities must be moved manually by the user to the correct specification. No data is lost.

C7 Projects 20240424

10 May 2024

New features

Please note that some of the listed functionalities will need configuration in order to be visible in your configuration. Contact your customer responsible person if you want to know more.

System roles program

New program added to administer roles and permissions. This is useful to modify standard permission roles or add new ones. Permissions handling is also improved in other aspects.

Configuration analysis program

New admin tool with features to list missing translations and missing code table values.

Copy project function

New functionality added to create a new project based on an existing project

Bug fixes

 Several bug fixes are added to the release.

Known errors

There are unfortunately always some known problems that we did not have time to fix before the release. The following issues have been identified and will be solved in coming release:

  • Cancel new task in Project planning does not work when adding a new free task
  • Adding dates in new task in Project planning does not work when adding a new free task
  • There´s an extra CompanyName1 field in Basic information in Project Admin that should be removed.

C7 Projects 20240410

24 April 2024

Major changes:

Program for integrations log

New program to track integrations. Contains imports and exports along with logging and error messages.

Copy project

Added possibility to create a new project with an existing project as a template.

New fields in Company record

New fields were added into the company record.

Invoice from Work order


Olof Arnell

Would you like to know more?

Talk to Olof!

For more information about our product C7,
ask Olof.

Olof Arnell, tel: +46 70 895 05 07

Would you like to know more?

Talk to Olof!

For more information about our product C7,
ask Olof.

Olof Arnell, tel: +46 70 895 05 07